Giving through charitable gaming

Marketing strategy


Marketing strategy

Precise, strategic, informed. Our advice to reach your goals.

We’re here to support you in deciding upon the right strategy for your budget. With so many options out there, we can offer advice to help you make the best choices for your specific goals.

  • Gaming strategy audit – where are your strengths and weaknesses? What improvements could be made? Is your strategy right for your objectives?
  • Channel analysis – what’s working, and what haven’t you tried yet? Maybe you have had a successful face-to-face campaign? But have you fully explored digital recruitment?
  • Campaign advice – are you running your campaigns in the most effective way? Could you improve conversion rates with better supporter experiences?
  • Long-term planning – where do you want to be in 1, 3 and 5 years’ time? Where does gaming fit in your overall strategy? Is what you’re doing today working towards your long-term goals?
  • Market benchmarking – are you where you should be in the charitable gaming industry? Can we help you learn more about your position, and how best to move forward?

Your goals, our focus.

Every charity has its unique challenges to overcome, but we can guarantee we’ve worked with someone in a similar position as you. Whether your goal is a new launch, accelerating your growth, reversing a decline or simply maintaining your current progress, we can discuss the available options. Sometimes when you’re in the thick of it, it can be hard to find the right path. That’s where we come in!

Add these to your marketing strategy

Our products, services and platforms are designed give your marketing the edge.

Game Design

Have you created a game proposition that is easy to promote, understand and sets your lottery, raffle or prize draw apart?


Are you making the most of your shops, or could you benefit from a system to sell lottery tickets in a retail environment?


Can supporters enter online and engage with your gaming offering? Is your digital promotions strategy driving growth?

Creative & Design

Is your gaming programme promoted by creative that is balanced, well-designed and targeted to your audience?

Player Experience

Are you engaging with your players and deepening their engagement with an appealing gaming experience and welcome journey?

Prize Giveaways

Could you garner new leads and generate extra income with targeted draws like prize draws and raffles as part of your gaming programme?

Let’s get your marketing started

We’ll support you with advice in achieving your gaming promotion goals.

Telephone: 01229 871380
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